4. What is ‘The Church’?

God’s church began with Adam and comprises all consecrated men and women to the present day. However, the Christian church did not formally begin until after the death and resurrection of Christ when God’s people were gathered together on the day of Pentecost. 

Therefore, Pentecost was a critical moment for the beginning of the church. Yet even then, the church could not begin its work in bringing the gospel to the world until they were empowered by the Holy Spirit. This is why Christ told the people to tarry and wait in supplication and prayer for the gift of the Spirit. And this is just what they did.

It was vital that God’s people were truly united before He empowered them to fulfil the gospel commission. This is due to the fact that there is one body, or in other words, one church. There is also one faith. (See Ephesians 4).

Yet if this is the case, then how can we differ so much in our understanding of the most basic principles of the gospel? On the other hand, how can we unite together as Christ’s body—in the spirit of ecumenism—while we ignore these obvious divisions of faith and doctrine? 

Remember, the church is portrayed as the body of Christ. And Christ is not divided. So what’s hindering this perfect unity from taking place today?


5. Jacob’s Trouble


3. Baptism & the Born-Again Experience